Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Type and Image

Based on the reading of 'Type and Image,' I found these posters that were interesting and went well with the ideas.

This image used for the movie SAW is based on a metaphore that helps relate to the grusomeness of the movie but also conveys another message. The tools present show that this is in fact SAW 4, or in Roman Numerals IV.

This is a poster that I really liked from the first time I looked at it. At first I was a little confused. At first glance, this person seems to be against art, but digging deeper this is not the case at all. This work was executed in a very interesting way. The graphic designer used bold words along with a well known image to capture the viewers attention. They used ALTERATION of an original to get the point across. Once I started reading the words making up this image, I was really glad I had. It's about how people look at graphic designers saying that they are not real artists and that they have all the information given to them (basically steal everything) and have no emotional attachment to their work. The artist came back with meaningful comments such as graphic design does not need to be displayed in a gallery in order to function. If it is a good design it will always speak for itself. You do not need to know who the creater was in order to appreciate it. And even though Graphic Design seems easy and 'stolen,' the designers created this image, and people "wrongly imply that a designers interpretation and execution of an idea is not thier own work."

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