Saturday, January 30, 2010



Clashing -

1) to come together or collide
2) to conflict; disagree

Brawl, battle, conflict, disorder, confusion, disarray, blurring, disturbing, distraction, fluster, obscure, puzzlement, turmoil


1) something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light.
2) the state of being visible, exposed to view, or revealed to public notice or knowledge
3) spiritual illumination or awareness

Clear, ablaze, pleasant, fine, undarkened, graceful, faint, hope, faith, promise, aspire, cheer, aspiration, brilliant, vivid, illuminate, gentle

Concept Statement

What are we but humans? does something else in the world exist? everyday we are faced with the ideas of the unknown. Science is constantly searching for the 'truth,' the real and natural and finding hard facts. But what happens in a world where anything is possible. Where time travel may exist. Where we may be able to change mistakes, have a completely different life, or even save ourselves or a loved one from death. But perhaps dying is just another beginning to a life as something much more then just a human.

Audience Persona
Jill is a 20-year-old sophomore attending the University of Kansas. She lives with two other female roommates in a small house on Massachusetts St. Sometimes she feels the need to walk down to south park, Starbucks, or Sylas and Maddy's to enjoy a snack, people watch, and read. Although some would consider her a tom boy because she enjoys going to comic book stores, watching action movies, mostly hangs out with her close guy friends, and is majoring in physics, she still has a girlie side about her. She enjoys hanging out with her roommates, going to see what some might call the 'chick flicks,' reading books along the same route as the Twilight series, and sneaking in the occasional romance novel every now and then. Most of the time she even appreciates shopping!

futuristic, hopeful, dark, unknown...these three fictional books are the science fiction, action/romance type that keep you at the edge of your seat.

to suggest a feeling of suspense
- to suggest a futuristic world
to suggest a life full of possibilities
to suggest nothing stopping love and passion, even through death
to suggest a sense of overwhelming anxiety
to suggest adventure
to suggest push and pull
to suggest uncertainty
to suggest technology

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