Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Timeline Process

PROJECT OVERVIEW: The idea of this assignment was to get the class thinking about how to show time in a way that was type based and logical. This was to show time in an order that would be read as a time line easily by the viewer and stay interesting.

our first step was to brain storm ideas that could be used as timelines.

As u can tell, many of my beginning ideas were all photo based. After making these though, it did give me a better direction of what I wanted to do and I stuck with the clothesline idea.

On this second step I was going with the idea of a flip book, spacing out the clothespins to represent time. On this design I could not figure out a good way to incorporate text (a big problem since this was a typographic project.)

During this stage, I worked with my arrangement and trying to form a focus of what I want the overall image to be. I started out with the buildings and the clothesline. But in the beginning stages the buildings where seeming to be the main part of the image so I was working with making the time line more of the focal point along with incorporating the text into the time line as opposed to slapped on the side.

This is the FINAL. The colors are actually much more vibrant then this and the black words stand out more.

Project Brief: Starting out with this project I was extremely confused about how I would execute it and even though it is easy. It was a challenge thinking of ways to show time of the traditional time line. At first I went through many explorations to help me decide. Although most ideas could not be reused, I think it's great that we were required to do this exploration that way We had things to think about and a way planned out. Like I said, Originally I was set on doing the flip book design. I picked that because I knew it would be long enough to show the time difference well. But after designing and getting no where, I decided a poster idea would be easier and not require a lot of wasted paper on the epson.

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