Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bookcover Research part2

Mystery- any affair, thing, or person that presents features or qualities so obscure as to arouse curiosity or speculation: The masked guest is an absolute mystery to everyone.
Romance - a romantic affair or experience; a love affair.
dark, foggy, unknown, scary, secret, drama, unexplained, alarmed, frightening, chilling, creepy, supernatural, passion, lust, heart, love, relationship, attachment, match, joined

Science Fiction can be brought to life for the female reader with a simple twist and addition of romance, drama, and mystery. Who says science fiction is all for men in comic book stores. It can easily be applied to women with the same interests but that have that small urge for something just a little more.

It seems that these days, women are becoming more and more interested with science fiction, and the media uses this, making more opportunities for it to relate to both genders. When you add in romance and mystery, its sure to keep everyone at the edge of their seats.

Science Fiction novels can generally be applied to only males. But occasionally, females grab these books, looking for a writing a little different from the norm. Books like these can be enjoyed by all, especially when they have that bazaar twist of mystery and romance intertwined into the depths of the book's very binding. These three things come together, forming an unforgettable dark, mysterious, and chilling yet heartfelt stories

What are we but humans? does something else in the world exist? everyday we are faced with the ideas of the unknown. Science is constantly searching for the 'truth,' the real and natural and finding hard facts. But what happens in a world where anything is possible. Where time travel may exist. Where we may be able to change mistakes, have a completely different life, or even save a loved one from death. What if death means nothing at all. What if technology existed where death would lead to a simple procedure of being reborn...but to be reborn as another kind. Perhaps a 'host' spirit of some kind will over take your body. You will still be knowledgeable of all of your actions, but have absolutely no control; sort of like two people inhabiting the same being. Or perhaps doctors will revive you as a machine. You will then be forced to chose between humans and the person you once were and machines such as yourself.

Jill is a 20-year-old attending the University of Kansas. She lives with two other female roommates in a small house on Massachusetts St. Sometimes she feels the need to walk down to south park, Starbucks, or Sylas and Maddy's to enjoy a snack, people watch, and read. Although some would consider her a tom boy because she enjoys going to comic book stores, watching action movies, mostly hangs out with her close guy friends, and is majoring in physics, she still has a girlie side about her. She enjoys hanging out with her roommates, going to see what some might call the 'chick flicks,' sneaks in the occasional romance novel every now and then, and absolutely loves shopping...for new sneakers that is.

As of right now I just have these font studies, I still need to work with some more from the approved list. but with these I feel like the ones that work the best are: The middle top (Batik), the bottom middle(Occidental) and the very right second from bottom (Eccentric). I really like these three because they all are very typewriter feeling, giving them the look of 'timelessness.' For my series this will be great cause this can also play along with the serious/romantic sort of mood.

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