Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Good is Good?

How Good is Good is a great article about Graphic Design and what it really means. Many of these thoughts I have had myself, but never could actually think of it in such words, which made this short read very interesting for me. This piece throws out thoughts in comparing 'good' design to 'bad' design. Saying good design with a bad purpose will equal a bad outcome and bad design with a good purpose probably wont do that well either. But it also gets the reader to think about exactly what it is that they are designing for; should they rather be called a 'commercial designer' that sells an idea, or a 'Graphic Designer' that makes people aware. A lot can be said through that last sentence. Graphic Design has a major impact on people and used in the right way can be a very moving and strong pull on society. I think it enlightens designers to do work hard making a good desing that means something to them and can make a difference rather than creating some useless or destructive piece of design.

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