Monday, August 31, 2009

Typography 01 - second assignment definitions

01 - absolute measurement - measurements of fixed values. They cannot be altered and are used to show a physical distance.

02 - relative measurement- this is how the relationships in measurement such as character spacing, are linked to the type size.

03 - point- refers to the height of the type block.

04 - pica - unit of measure. It is 1/6th of an inch and contains 12 point units of measure.

05 - em (and em dash) measurement used in typesetting to define basic spacing functions. It is linked to the size of type. Increases with increased type size

06 - en (and en dash) - unit of relative measurement equal to half of one em

07 - legibility - term refers to how easily a type can be read.

08 - rag- this is when shapes form by the line ends of text blocks and distract from the reading.

09 - type alignments: flush left, flush right, centered, justified. list advantages and/or disadvantages - alignment is how the text is arranged upon the page according to any one of the four main forms of alignment.

10 - word spacing: what is the ideal - the space between words normally is based upon a space equivalent to the body width of a lowercase I.

11 - rivers - these normally occur in justified text blocks when the separation of the words leaves gaps of white space in several lines. Ther ‘river’ is created where the white space gaps align through the text.

12 - indent - text can be indented so that some or all of the text lines are moved in from the margin by a specified amount.

13 - leading - used specify the depth of space between lines.

14 - kerning - incorporates inbuilt automatic adjustments to the spacing of particular letter pairs that would otherwise create disproportionate spaces.

15 - tracking - letter spacing

16 - weight - the thickness of the type. Can be black, ultra bold, etc.

17 - scale- size of the font in the point system.

18 - typographic variation- font and font sizes and the look of these fonts at their different sizes

19 - orphan - the final one or two lines of a paragraph separated from the main paragraph to form a new column

20 - widow - a lone word at the end of a paragraph

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