Monday, February 22, 2010

more journals

Journal 3

The three rules I found most important were:
#8 Negative space is magical, create it, don't just fill it up.
For me personally I know I have a problem with this one. Sometimes I tend to fill the entire page up and then end up having to take away from it. This does turn out to work for the better sometimes, giving me more ideas and possibilities, but when i add too much sometimes it's hard to figure out what I can live without and end up spending more time then I need to.
#13 Distribute light and dark like firecrackers and the rising sun
This one is interesting because you always need that light and dark balance. When you get it just right, your eye knows exactly where to go.
#2 Communicate, don't decorate.
THis one is also something I think everyone tends to do at one point. We get excited about a look, or image, and at times lose the point of what we want the outcome to look like. Sometimes we tend to do more decorating then actually communicating what we set off to do.
Three I should work on is #8 negative space is magical, #2 communicate, don't decorate, and #1 have a concept. #1 especially is one that can be forgotten when you are excited about ideas and just want to try them out. or if your idea is too broad and you start working with it, you could get off task
We should ignore:
Symmetry is the ultimate evil- I think in some cases a little symmetry on your design could help you out. especailly if you have lots going on in your piece, you could always throw in something with a little order.
Ignore Fashion- I think you still need to be aware of trends. You don't need to mimic them, but be aware of what you can improve upon.

Journal 4
Bruce Mau is a well known graphic designer. He is focused on design that communicates. He attended college at the Ontario College of Art and Design, although he did not graduate. He did however continue with his talent and what he loved by working at a design firm, Fifty Fingers. He didn't end up graduating but pursued his talent at Fifty Fingers, a design firm. After a few years of working at Fifty Fingers Bruce decided travel to England for a short stay of a year and then returned to Canada and founded Public Good Design and Communications. Bruce now is the Chief Creative Officer of Bruce Mau Designs. Bruce is someone designers can look up to because we all need to work towards making design better, and staying focused.

Final Covers


Clashing -

1) to come together or collide
2) to conflict; disagree

Brawl, battle, conflict, disorder, confusion, disarray, blurring, disturbing, distraction, fluster, obscure, puzzlement, turmoil


1) something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light.
2) the state of being visible, exposed to view, or revealed to public notice or knowledge
3) spiritual illumination or awareness

Clear, ablaze, pleasant, fine, undarkened, graceful, faint, hope, faith, promise, aspire, cheer, aspiration, brilliant, vivid, illuminate, gentle

to suggest a feeling of suspense
- to suggest a futuristic world
to suggest a life full of possibilities
to suggest a sense of overwhelming anxiety
to suggest adventure
to suggest push and pull
to suggest uncertainty

Monday, February 15, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Biodiesel Initiative - Tool kit

Word list: Describing logo and Biodiesel

Material(man-made mix)
Going green
Environment friendly


This page has lots of interesting ones!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010